SiteSpy - The Most Complete Visitor Analytics & SEO Tools (SaaS)

The Most Complete Visitor Analytics & SEO package including visitor analytics tool.

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The Most Complete Visitor Analytics & SEO package including visitor analytics (unique visitor, page view, bounce rate, average stay time, average visit, traffic analysis, top refferer, new & returning visitor, content overview, country & browser report, os & device report etc.) , web analytics (whois data, social media data, moz check, search engine index, google page rank, IP analysis, malware check ) , SEO tools (link analysis, keyword position analysis, auto keyword suggestion,page status check etc.)

You will also get several bonus utility tools such as email encoder/decoder, metatag generator, ogtag generator, plgiarism check, valid email check, duplicate email filter, url encode/decode, robot code generator etc.

It’s a multi-user SaaS application means you can resell the Software as a Service. PayPal, Stripe, Instamojo, Mercadopago, Mollie, Myfatoorah, Paymaya, Paystack, Razorpay, SSLCOMMERZS, SenangPay, Toyyibpay, Xendit are integrated so that you can receive payment from your end users.

Key Features

Visitor Analytics : own site
Unique Visitor
Page View
Bounce Rate
Average Stay Time
Average Visit
Traffic Analysis
Top Refferer
New & Returning Visitor
Content Overview
Country & Browser Report
OS & Device Report

Website Analytics : any site (pdf report)
Whois Info
MOZ Info
Google Back Link
IP Info
Malware Scan Report
Search Engine Index
Social Network Traffic
Keyword & Meta Info
Mobile Friendly Check

Social Network Analysis (SEO Tool)
Facebook Share
Xing, Buffer Share
Reddit Score, Up, Down
Pinterest Pin
StumbleUpon View

Rank & Index Analysis (SEO Tool)
MOZ Check
Google Index
Yahoo Index
Bing Index

Domain Analysis (SEO Tool)
Whois Search Data
Expired (Auction) Domain List
DNS & Server Information

IP Analysis (SEO Tool)
What is my IP
Domain IP Information
Sites in Same IP
IPv6 Compatibility Check
IP Canonical Check
IP Traceout

Keyword Analysis (SEO Tool)
Keyword Analyzer
Keyword Position & Suggestion
URL Shortener (SEO Tool)
Bitly URL Shortener (bulk)
Rebrandly URL Shortener

Malware Scan (SEO Tool)
Google Safe Browser
AVG Scan
VirusTotal (67 Scans)
Link Analysis (SEO Tool)
Link Analyzer
Page Status Check

Code Minifier (SEO Tool)
HTML Minifer
CSS Minifier
JavaScript Minifier

Bonus Utilities (Utility Tool)
Email Encoder/ Decoder
URL Encoder/ Decoder
Meta Tag Generator
Robot Code Generator
Plagiarism Check (unicode support)
Valid Email Check
Duplicate Email Filter
URL Canonical Check
GZIP Check
Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Server Requirements & Installation
PHP >= v8.1 & MySQL >= v5.7.8
Make sure curl is enabled , fileinfo is enabled , mbstring, is enabled, ZipArchive, is enabled, set_time_out is enabled , symlink is enabled , safe_mode is off, open_base_dir has no value, multibyte string PHP extension enabled, allow_url_fopen=1 and mysqli support is on.
Make sure Apache server’s mod rewrite is enabled.

Your domain must have https to use SiteSpy features.

[Note: If you get `404 page not found or 500 internal error` or other server error then make sure AllowOverride is enabled in your virtual host and check if .htaccess file is uploaded successfully in root or not]

Its recommended to make all the files and folders are writable(755 permission recommended)

<b>For better performance set php max_execution_time, mysql connect_timeout, mysql wait_timeout , max_allowed_packet , max_connections to long limit possible, so that your server can process script for long time if needed.</b>

For fast loading, we recommend to enable <b>GZIP Compression</b> on your server (Most server enable it by default)

You will need to create API for your admin account & each users will need to create their own API. As system use all Free API version, so due to restriction in number of call, each user needs to create their own API to system work correctly for large amount of users. Needed API are listed bellow.

All API Integration Charge will be Extra

1. Google API
2. Moz API [Creating account may need credit card information, but no cost]
3. Virustotal API
4. Bitly API
5. Rebrandly

Live Demo : (try once, you will love it)
Backend Link:
Frontend Link:
Login as Admin
Password: 12345678
Login as Member:
Password: 12345678

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