It offers a comprehensive solution for managing sales, inventory, and customer data across various outlets from a centralized system.
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MultiBranchManager is a feature-rich Point of Sale (POS) software designed to cater to businesses with multiple branches or locations. It offers a comprehensive solution for managing sales, inventory, and customer data across various outlets from a centralized system. The software streamlines operations, improves efficiency, and enhances overall business management by providing real-time data synchronization, consolidated reporting, and seamless communication between branches.
Demo Link:
Supplier Management _ Create Suppliyer, Suppliyer list, Transfer Products, Suppliyer Account
Branch Management _ Create Branches, Branch list
Sales Management _ New Sale, View Sale, Return sale, Exchange Sale
Product Management _ Add Product, Add Category, Add brands, Add Variation, Transfer Product, Received Product, View Transfer & Received
Purchases Management _ New Purchase, View Purchase, Purchase Return
Cost Management _ New Cost, View Cost with Details
Cash Drawer Manage _ Cash In, Transfer, Payment Cost
Banks Management _ Add Bank, View Bank, Bank Transfer, Admin Transfer
Customer Manage _ Add Customer View Customer
Reports Management _ Report History, Generate Sale Report, Generate Stock Report, Generate Cr Master C R Report, Generate Product report.
User Management _ Designations, Sections, New User, View User
Payment Methods
Settings _ System Settings
Language Settings
To install the Script minimum server requirements are:
Php version 7
MySQL 5.6+
mod_rewrite Apache
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
ZipArchive Extension
To install the script follow the steps below.
Extract the downloaded .zip ?le from codecanyon on your PC.
Upload the ?le to your server public_html or any other directory you intend to run the script.
Extract the zip ?le in that directory.
Create a new database from your server MySQL database.
Create a DB user to the database and link that database to the DB user.
First, hit your site URL and it will automatically take you to the installation.
Click on the Start Installation Process.
You will get the Checking File Permission page. If everything is ok then click on Go to the next step.
Now you need to set Database Host, Database Name, Database Username, Database Password, and click Continue.
Now you need to import the SQL ?le.
Now ?ll up the information of the shop and click Continue.
Click on Go to Home/ Login to the admin panel.